NFS Shares

NFS shares provide a way to store large amounts of data

Access permissions to NFS-Shares can only be granted via IP addresses. Thus, this kind of storage is best used on virtual machines or from external server systems with fixed IP address.

To create an NFS Share navigate to “Project -> Share -> Shares” then click on the button “Create Share”. The parameters when creating a NFS share are as follows:

  • Share Protocol: NFS
  • Type: nfs.erasurecoding.bronze
  • Availability Zone: AvailabilityZone1 (the only one available)

To manage access rules, choose the Option “Manage Rules” in the “Actions” drop-down menu, followed by “Add rule” in the top right drop-down menu. Select “ip” as the access type and enter an IP address in the “Access To” field.

The share can be mounted using NFS 4.1 or higher by using the path displayed in the detail view of the share.