Environment and Locations

Short Descriptions of the different Environments and Locations in the Multi Cluster Setups.

The University of Münster CIT department has established three distinct multi-cluster environments for the Kubernetes of the Uni Cloud Münster, each representing different stages of development of the clusters thereself: dev, Staging and prod.

Tenants only have access to the staging and prod clusters. On the staging cluster, most tenants have their own development and staging systems, while the prod cluster is reserved for their live production systems. This approach allows for early testing of cluster updates.

Each of the clusters dev, staging and prod actually comprises multiple sub-clusters located at different sites in Münster. Currently, this means there is one cluster located at Einsteinstraße (often referred to as ms1) and another at Schlossplatz (often referred to as ms2).

ms1 serves as the main location, and the majority of services are primarily operational there.

ms2 is currently primarily utilized for multi-cluster setups and backup purposes.