Container Registry

Harbor is an OCI container registry. It allows users to store and publish container images.

We manage a Container Registry for the Uni Cloud Münster using the open source registry Harbor.

The registry is capable of storing Docker Images as well as Helm Charts and can also be used as a proxy to several docker registries, like Docker Hub.

It is accessible at the URL

Projects and Quotas

You can create new projects and use them as you like, but there is a strict quota on the storage of each project. If the storage is not sufficient, please send a short mail to with a reason why an increased quota is needed.

Using the Proxy

We manage several proxies to the most common docker registries, like Docker Hub or Quay. The names of the proxy projects start with proxy- and should be self explanatory.

To use one of those proxies, simply find the proxy project, .e.g. proxy-docker for Docker Hub and the image you want to pull, e.g. Arch Linux and pull them via the proxy, like this:

docker pull


To login go to and click LOGIN VIA OIDC PROVIDER. You will be redirected and you can then login with your university account name and password.

Docker Configuration

To login with docker you need to use the Username and CLI Secret from the User Profile in the Harbor UI. With that you can login via console as follows:

$ docker login
Login Succeeded